Enhanced conversions allow businesses to track a wider range of actions

Google Ads is a powerful advertising platform that allows businesses to reach potential customers through a variety of online channels, including search engines, websites, and mobile apps. One of the key metrics that businesses use to measure the success of their Google Ads campaigns is conversions. However, there are two types of conversions that businesses can track in Google Ads: standard conversions and enhanced conversions.

Standard conversions are the most basic type of conversion that businesses can track in Google Ads. These are the conversions that occur when a user clicks on an ad and then completes a specific action on the advertiser’s website, such as making a purchase, filling out a form, or signing up for a newsletter. Standard conversions are the default conversion tracking option in Google Ads and are used by most businesses.

Enhanced conversions, on the other hand, are a more advanced type of conversion tracking that allows businesses to track a wider range of actions that occur on their website. These actions can include things like product views, add-to-cart actions, and phone calls. Enhanced conversions also allow businesses to track conversions that occur across multiple devices, such as a user clicking an ad on their mobile phone and then making a purchase on their desktop computer.

One of the main differences between standard and enhanced conversions is the amount of data that is collected. Standard conversions only track the basic information about the conversion, such as the conversion action and the time it occurred. Enhanced conversions, on the other hand, collect more detailed information about the conversion, such as the device used, the location of the user, and even the specific keywords that were used to trigger the ad.

Another difference between standard and enhanced conversions is that enhanced conversions require additional set up to track these different types of actions on the website. This means that businesses will need to install additional tracking code on their website and configure the settings in their Google Ads account.

In conclusion, both standard conversions and enhanced conversions are important tools for businesses to track the success of their Google Ads campaigns. Standard conversions are the basic type of conversion tracking that most businesses use, while enhanced conversions provide more detailed information and allow businesses to track a wider range of actions on their website. Businesses should choose the type of conversion that best meets their needs, keeping in mind the additional data collection and set-up required for enhanced conversions.

The Latest Google Ads Trends & Updates

Google Ads is a powerful advertising platform that allows businesses of all sizes to reach their target audience. In this blog, we’ll cover the basics of Google Ads, provide valuable insights and tips to help you get the most out of your advertising efforts.

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