Stop Wasting Money In Google Ads

Get an instant audit of your account with a Free Google Ads Performance Grader.

This free assessment, designed with small businesses and agencies in mind, grades your account against 17 key metrics and offers deep insights, actionable next steps, and an overall account score to help you understand what’s working and where you can improve.

Improve Your Quality Score

To improve your Google Ads Quality Score, focus on creating relevant ad content, landing pages, and ad groups, and use closely related keywords. Additionally, you should monitor your ad's performance regularly and make adjustments as needed, and optimize your campaigns by targeting specific demographics and geographic locations. Our review compares yours with industry benchmarks and gives instructions on how to improve it so you can raise your Ad Rank and lower your cost per click.

Maintain Your Impression Share

Maintaining a high impression share for your Google Ads campaigns can help ensure that your ads are seen by a larger audience, leading to more clicks and conversions. To maintain a high impression share, focus on increasing your bids, improving your ad rank and targeting the right audience by optimizing your keywords and targeting options. We make sure you’re getting the exposure you need to stay profitable with budget weighted impression share metrics.

Eliminate Your Wasted Ad Spend

Eliminating wasted spend on Google Ads can be achieved by regularly reviewing and optimizing your campaigns, targeting the right audience, and using negative keywords to exclude unqualified traffic. Additionally, you should be monitoring your campaigns performance, and pausing or adjusting under-performing ad groups or keywords. We help you save thousands of dollars and improve your ROI with negative keywords and daily optimizations.

Monitor Your Account Activity

Monitoring your Google Ads campaigns is important to ensure they are performing well, identify areas for improvement, and to make informed decisions on how to optimize them. By regularly reviewing your campaigns, you can detect and address issues such as low click-through rates, high bounce rates or low conversion rates, and make adjustments to improve their performance and reduce wasted spend. Stay ahead of competitors by keeping up with specific actions in your account.
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Review and discuss our findings during a free screen share using Microsoft Teams or Google Meet.

We utilize our AI-generated process to meticulously audit your Google Ads campaigns. By the conclusion of your account review, you will gain comprehensive insights into:

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